Do you want to make it all the way to the top at your company?
It’s not for everybody – and that’s okay, of course. But if you’ve envisioned yourself as a senior-level executive, but aren’t quite sure it’s realistic or feasible, there are some indicators that could tell you whether you’re moving in the right direction. Do any of these descriptions fit you?
You’re a natural at building great teams without vying for all the credit.
You like to engage in team projects so much that you’re willing to step up and take responsibility – defining plans and outcomes and delivering results. And as you do so, you don’t crave praise or recognition unless it’s directed toward your team as a whole. Your focus is not on yourself but rather on your company at large and the people who are part of it.
Your first instinct is to help others.
Servant leadership is also known as a philosophy where a person’s main objective is to serve and develop their people and community. This drive to always lend a hand and support those around you is an extremely powerful leadership trait.
You’re calm and rational in a crisis.
Even if your heart is pumping and your mind may be going in a million different directions, at least when you initially hear about an emergency or crisis, you remain calm and in control, and forge ahead. You know how to anticipate needs, rearrange priorities, and effectively manage change, however quickly it needs to happen. This includes communicating ongoing plans with precision and clarity.
You see the forest through the trees.
In other words, rather than getting too mired in small details, you keep your eye on the bigger picture. Those details are important, but you are adept at bringing them all together and aligning them to meet larger goals that also sync with your organization’s overall mission and vision.
People tend to come to you for advice.
You may take it for granted that coworkers, and maybe even your bosses, turn to you for advice and support, because it comes so naturally to you. But being perceptive and able to give encouragement are not as common as you may think.
Other people do favors for you.
If you’re having a simple chat with your coworkers about a project or assignment and they end up wanting to help you out, this is a sign of your charisma and natural ability to influence others. Charisma inspires followers to look up to leaders and want to carry out their leader’s interests as their own.
As you grow your career in areas including healthcare and light industry, Accurate Staffing Consultants can help you stay on track, regardless of your end goal. We’ll partner with you to build your skillset, confidence, and clear vision for the future – and help make it reality. Reach out to us today to learn more.