What does a successful team look like?
It’s a group of people who work seamlessly together and, while being intensely productive, carry out their assigned tasks in such a way that it doesn’t even feel like work. Why? Because members of such teams collaborate naturally, honestly, openly, and with a high level of mutual respect, communication and inspiration.
Sounds great, right? But how do you lay the groundwork and then carry out such synergy? These tips will help make it happen.
Clarify team goals.
Teams need a vision, as well as clear, measurable goals for what they intend to accomplish. For starters, make sure all team goals align with your company’s mission and vision, and that those goals are SMART.
- It’s up to team leaders to ensure that everyone keeps their eyes on the prize, but before they can do that, they need to know and understand what the prize looks like. In a nutshell, clearly spell out project goals, prioritize them, and have a system in place to monitor progress toward them.
Delegate effectively.
It’s called a team for a reason. You may be responsible for leading it, but you can’t do it all alone. So, steer clear of micromanagement, which is good for exactly nobody, and assign tasks based on their unique combination of skills, experience and competency.
- As long as you know your team members for the unique individuals they are, trust them. Remember: you hired them – or they were placed on your team – because they’re good at what they do. Don’t overload them; in other words, assign tasks fairly and responsibly. Then, be there as a resource, but let them shine.
Manage time.
The best team leaders excel at time management. It enables you to stay on track, pinpoint inefficiencies, and act effectively once you become aware of project bottlenecks.
Communicate openly and transparently.
Openly and regularly communicating team progress, developments, issues and challenges – as well as everyone’s roles and functions – fosters accountability, as well as further enhancing teamwork. Be as transparent as possible in your communication, to boast people’s levels of motivation and satisfaction. Continuous improvement is the foundation of any team effort, and constructive, actionable, two-way communication is the best way to get there.
Celebrate wins.
As team leaders monitor progress, this should include noting the efforts and outcomes of their team members, especially those that go above and beyond expectations. Make time to celebrate individual and team achievements. At communication and update meetings, make time on the agenda for this purpose. And in between give positive reinforcement and continued feedback.
- Recognition can also help fight burnout. Results of one recent study show that 70 percent of employees felt their employers were not doing enough to prevent or mitigate burnout at work.
For more ideas and insight on building your successful teams and workforce, contact Accurate Staffing Consultants, Inc., today.