8 Body Language Tips for Job Interviews

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You want to make a great first impression during a job interview. But your body language can hamper your ability to do just that.

Body language can say a lot about you as a job candidate. However, if you manage your body well, you can use non-verbal communication to show a potential employer why you deserve a role with their company.

Body Language Tips You Need to Know

Now, let’s look at eight can’t-miss body language tips for job interviews.

1. Maintain Good Eye Contact

When you first meet your interviewer, introduce yourself, and make eye contact with him or her. Sustain eye contact as you move throughout the interview. This shows your interviewer you are interested and engaged in what he or she has to say.

2. Wear the Right Shoes

Resist the urge to wear shoes that are bright or vibrant. Rather, wear shoes that are comfortable and sleek. This helps reduce the risk that your shoes will distract you or your interviewer. Plus, it minimizes the risk that you’ll frequently look down at your feet during your interview.

3. Be Responsive

Listen to what your interviewer is saying and respond accordingly. It helps to nod, smile, and use other non-verbal cues throughout your interview. And if your interviewer asks you a question, think before you speak. Then, you can tailor your response in a way that shows your interviewer you considered their question carefully.

4. Try to Understand Your Interviewer

Make an effort to understand what your interviewer is saying and their perspective. If you have concerns or questions, share them with your interviewer. From here, you and your interviewer can once again get on the same page.

5. Prioritize Your Posture

Do not slouch in your chair. Instead, sit up straight so you look poised, comfortable, and confident.

6. Consider Your Hand Movements

Keep your hands at your sides or on your lap whenever possible. This enables you to avoid drawing unnecessary attention to your hands during your interview.

7. Make a Great Exit

At the end of your interview, thank your interviewer for their time. It helps to smile and make good contact with your interviewer when you thank him or her. This allows you to leave your interview on a positive note.

8. Practice Your Body Language Before Your Interview

Set up a mock interview with a family member or friend. Next, your family member or friend can ask you interview questions and evaluate your body language. You can then receive feedback on your body language and how to improve it before your interview.

The Bottom Line on Body Language and Job Interviews

Body language is one of many factors to consider as you get ready for job interviews. If you want to do well in an interview, Accurate Staffing – a top employment agency –  can help.

We offer interview tips, recommendations, and guidance to job candidates. Also, we can connect you with top employers in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. To learn more, please contact us today.

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