How to Navigate Your Job Search During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has changed the job market — and you need to adjust your job search accordingly. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to navigate your job search throughout the crisis successfully.

Here are five tips to help you find your dream job during the coronavirus pandemic.

1. Network with Like-Minded Professionals

Reach out to current and past industry contacts via LinkedIn, Facebook, and other social networks. Then, let these contacts know you are open to new job opportunities.

By networking with like-minded professionals, you can open the door to a wide range of roles in your industry. Plus, you can build meaningful relationships with these professionals, which may help you accelerate your career growth.

2. Learn About the Top Businesses in Your Industry

Check out the websites of the top companies in your industry. That way, you can see how an industry leader presents itself and determine if you would want to work for this company now or in the future.

Keep in mind that the top businesses in your industry may not be currently hiring. You can follow these companies on social media and set up Google alerts to stay up to date about them and any new job openings. You can also reach out to the top businesses in your industry to share details about your industry expertise and let them know you are interested in any available roles.

3. Enhance Your Skill Set

Enroll in an online class, and you can bolster your skillset and further differentiate yourself in a competitive job market.

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), EdX courses, and other online classes are available free of charge and enable you to learn on your own schedule. Additionally, you can sign up for online college and university classes to earn a new degree.

4. Revamp Your Resume

Take an objective look at your resume and update it as needed. Add new skills and certifications to your resume and ensure your contact information is accurate.

It may be beneficial to consider what skills employers want as you update your resume, too. If you tailor your resume to employers’ demands, you can put yourself in a position to land your dream job right away.

5. Reflect on Your Career

Evaluate what you have accomplished thus far in your career and where you want to go. Next, you can craft a plan to determine how you can achieve your career goals.

Your career may have had many ups and downs to this point, but your career growth possibilities are endless. If you reflect on your career now, you can take the first step toward a rewarding future.

Partner with a Proven Staffing Agency

Accurate Staffing has extensive networks and knowledge of the local markets we serve. For more than three decades, we have matched job seekers with top businesses in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia — and we can help navigate your job search during the coronavirus pandemic and after it passes. To learn more, please contact us today.

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