A recent report from the Society for Human Resource Management concludes that what employees want in terms of their compensation and benefits isn’t always the same as what employers assume they want. Numerous other studies reinforce SHRM’s conclusion. Here are three common benefits-related myths – and the reasons why you can’t craft your benefits strategy… Read More »
Tag: Mental Health
How are Business Strategies Shifting to Accommodate the Future Workplace?
Unless you’ve spent the past three years living under that proverbial rock, you’re well aware that society, people’s values and lifestyles, and the workplace have undergone some seismic shifts. Among the leading factors driving this change have been pandemic-driven health issues, including around mental health and overall well-being. What does it all mean for today’s… Read More »
Your Guide to a Mental Health Leave
There is no need to put your mental health in danger. But, if you feel you need to take a mental health leave at work, it may be difficult to take one. However, the longer you wait to do so, the more your mental health may deteriorate. It can even reach a point where depression,… Read More »